Child Protective Services?


New member
Jun 19, 2008
My step dad is abusive verbally, physically and emotionally, he's ruining my life, my brother and sisters life and my moms life (even though she can't see it) and I can't stand to live with him any longer, I have 3 younger siblings also and one of them is his daughter. My mom is in denial and she won't kick him out, he's abused her also. She has kicked him out several times but he just keeps coming back. The police have been called twice and CPS was involved a couple of times when my brother told his school counselor about my step dad and they called CPS but nothing happened. I want to call CPS but I'm afraid that they will take us all away from our mother and I don't want that because she's nice and we love her but her husband is horrible, would CPS make just him leave or would they take us all away?? What should I do?
i know that i already asked this question...