Can I Get the Licence?


May 21, 2008
I am 17 years old, 6 months until 18. I recently just moved in with my Grandma and she doesn't drive. I haven't been that interested in getting a licence until now. I live about 25 minutes away from my school and where i'm living a bus does not go by my Grandmothers house. I tried to transfer to the school where a bus does go by but where it is in city limits you have to have 8 more credits in order to graduate. I cannot make up 12 credits in one year so i will not graduate if i go there. I also work about 35 hours a week and finding a ride to work sometimes seems impossible. Is there anyway I could get a hardship licence of any licence until I'm 18 to transport myself to work and school and my Grandmother to her doctores appointments, grocery store ect..?? Is it possible?