CPS question about emotionally/physically abused 16 year old?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
My best friend's father, an associate pastor, has been
emotionally/physically abusing her for the majority of her life.
He justifies himself with the bible, of course.

As she's gotten older, it's gotten even worse.

After finding out she made out with someone, he spit in her face.

After discovering that she was confused about her sexuality, he screamed that she was an "abomination", that he hated her,
and that he "has to get the demons out of her."
Along with that he kicked her, and shoved her up against the
wall while shaking her.

His temper has become explosive.
Her older brother, who just recently moved out, has even
admitted it.

He's thrown a suitcase through the wall, knocked the kitchen table over and snapped it in half, shattered a mirror hanging up in the young girls room, and threw a tv across the room.
Her dad has just recently started isolating her from the world.
She has a board up against he window, so she can't even
think about running away.
And the only two places she's allowed to go is to church (her fathers work), and back home.

It's almost literally like she's in a jail cell.

She's been cutting herself for the past year and a half.
Her dad's known about the cutting, even the recent ones that occurred two weeks ago and still hadn't seeked any treatment for her.

About three days ago, she ran away and winded up at our house in the mid-day.
She had told us that she had the knife up to her skin and was seriously about to kill herself, when she made a run for the door and ran away.
She asked us for help.
Immediately, my dad and step mom called the ER.

She is now seeking treatment at a medical center for the cuts.

CPS was called immediately after she left.
My dad had told me that the CPS worker would like me to call her on Monday, so she could talk to me.
I'm not going to lie; I'm kind of nervous.

I never expected this to get this far.

But, I'm glad it has- and I'm glad that my friend is seeking treatment.

Honestly, she's 16- and about to be starting her Junior year of Highschool.

This is supposed to be one of the happiest times in her life, and instead it's completely miserable.

So- I guess I was wondering-
What are the odds that CPS would allow a 16 year old to go back to living under these conditions?
Would all of this happening be enough for them to allow her to make a decision upon who she would like to live with?

My parents would totally take her in.
I would love to see her happy, and smiling again.
She deserves the best.

Anyone have any advice/information? :/