when can i put my female betta fish back with my male betta.....PLEASE ANSWER!!?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I just got a female betta fish and a male as well. I put them in the same bowl and they started getting a little aggressive towards eachother. My friend who is watching them took the male into a separate bowl and put the bowls side by side. I want to know when i can put them back together so they do not fight. please asnwer this asap!
They will never get along. Male and female bettas should never be kept together unless you are breeding them under intense supervision.

Female bettas can be kept with other females but only in groups of at least 5 per 10 gallons.

Males and males cannot be kept together either, though most people know that i thought it'd be worth mentioning.

Please be nice to your fish and keep them apart or else you'll see more than a little aggression and end up with one or both dead.