Are you living in Hell now, if you are totally dedicated to you religion?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Are you actually living in Hell right now if you are:
A celebate Priest or Monk or Nun?
Not having sex with your lover until you get married?
If you are dirt poor and giving what little you have to a church?
If you are not getting a divorce because of your church?

What other examples of living in hell for your religeon can you think of?
How many lives do you think you get?
In the final days when you wake up, and realize that there is NO GOD, aren't you going to feel CHEATED by an elaborate HOAX?
two words.


so i'm going to heaven and your going to hell.
when you get there say hi to satin for me will ya?
cause i'm gonna live with jesus.

and do you think a "hoax" would last over a thousand years if there wasn't some fact?
try to think of one hoax people believed as long as that.

you fuckin faggot.
Answer: Why are you equating "religion" with Christianity? A person can be totally dedicated to their religion without it being a religion which controls sexuality and DEMANDS a percentage of your earnings.

As for your thoughts on the existance of the Gods I worship, I can only say that you are entitled to your perspective on things while I have a different one. And I DO NOT insist that an atheist is "damned" for non-belief.