is this a funny bus joke?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
one day a man, his wife,there 6 kids and a blind man were waiting for a bus. when the bus finaly arived there was only room on the bus for seven people so the wife and the children went on. the next bus wasnt going to arive for another hour so the men decided to walk to the bus station.

along the way the man who could see asked a question
"could you please put a rubber tip on your stick that noise is driveing me crazy!" the blind mad replied almost instantly
"well if you had put a ruber tip on your stick we wouldnt be in this situation!"
no i didnt get it off the net i herd it at a party once
that is sooooooo funny hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah
im laughing so hard hahaha
good one did u get that of the internet its really funny if u understand it