My Sexuality what should I do?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I am a 14 yr old male but i am very mature for my age and I am very independent. I figured out I was Bi when I was in 7th grade and I told 4 of my best friends. Then in 8th grade *last year* I told my mom and then I came out at my school. My mom worried me by telling me she was scared I might get hurt for being Bi. Then I saw a Law and Order show and I understood what she was talking about. My dad doesnt know im Bi but he always says that Bisexuality hasn't been around that long and that it's are stupid. Lately I've been telling my friends and mom that I don't have a sexuality because I feel like anywhere I go I will be disrespected and put down for being Bi. My hormones rush through me like crazy when I see a boy I like or if I see a hot guy on tv or in a magazine. Any advice?
It has been around for along time, just not accept as
much as it is today..haha which its still not really accept.
but love is love. anyway its normal i guess your gonna have to live with it.
man i think u should go with ur feelings if u wanna be bi than be bi just be careful and safe about how u go about it and if u need any more questions about that hit me up at my e-mail address [email protected] n by the way im striaght
man i think u should go with ur feelings if u wanna be bi than be bi just be careful and safe about how u go about it and if u need any more questions about that hit me up at my e-mail address [email protected] n by the way im striaght