Which religion is most accepting of modern trends?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I am considering starting a business that will help churches bring in more more money from the up and comin youthful generation. My idea would not work in a traditional atmosphere such as catholicism, so I was wondering which religions, in you'd opinion, are most modern and most accepting of new technology and new ideas to stay up with the current times. Any suggestions are appreciated! The most detailed will get the best answer! Thank u in advance!!!
Catholicism is very accepting of modern trends. The problem is that it takes the Vatican about 400 years to accept them.
I believe Satanists would be the most accepting of modern trends to tell you the truth. <")))><
Reform Judaism is generally open, but I think it's more along the lines of what is acceptable for members to do. I'm not sure any congregations would be looking for nontraditional ways of making money. A congregation is not meant to be a money making operation. Members are supposed to make money and then donate as they see fit.
The Unitarian Universalist Church has a very open and accepting belief system. They are not so interested in what you believe, but that you believe.