What flowers and bushes can I plant in mid july? I want to spruce up my


New member
Jul 24, 2008
garden with color? I have just purchased a cond. The person that I bought the condo from had it looking nice but she has let it go down hill in the last couple of weeks, because she knewshe was moving. I am looking for some bushes and flowers- bright to plant now in the heat in North Carolina. I would just like to make it look nice. I am a first time gardener aswell as a first time home owner, so I would like to keep the appearance of my garden up. If anyone knows of any nice flowers and bushes at a low cost please reccomend. I have a shaded area of the garden aswell as a sunny rea of the garden. Please Help!
Lantana is great this time of year they will go dead in the winter but dont dig them up they are just sleeping they will come back gorgous in the summer.
Geraniums, violets, tulips, gardenias, and carnations.That is
what my mother plants in her garden every now and then.