1.The deck
6 gadgets (green,red,yellow)
2 kycoo
2 banisher of the radiance
2 drillroid (lots of gk spys,reapers,mellons,and gb's in my meta)
1 neo mole
1 snipe hunter
[1 barrier statue (fire) ]
[1 barrier statue (water) ]
[1 jowgen ]
1 mst
3 shrink
2 book of moon
2 econ
1 fissure
1 smashing ground
1 hammer shot
1 lightning vortex
3 solemn judgement
3 royal oppression
3 bottomless trap hole
1 mirror force
1 torrential
1 trap dustshoot
1 Ceasefire

(this is kind of like a survey)

2. I'd like some feedback on barrier statues vs jowgen
and their playability.(I cant afford fossil dynas)
3.how do you feel about 2 bottomless vs 3 bottomless, same goes for solemns and bribes.
4.do you prefer 2 or 3 banishers?
5.do you like 1 or 2 hammer shots in a (gadget)deck, same for lightning vortex.
6.do you like your monster count at 15-16,17-18,or 19+?
7.do you like your deck at 40,41-42,or 45?
8.how do you feel towards solemns vs dark bribe?