Ever think something's in your house, but you can't see it? My dog has never...


New member
Apr 25, 2008
...did barked upstairs before She won't move from this one spot but she keeps looking to the left and barking, but I don't see anything but feel a presence. Has this ever happen to anyone else?
It happened a couple of times before when our dog was alive. She would bark downstairs all the time for 10 minutes and we would go down there to see what she was barking at. She would stare at a corner and bark and scoot back. I never felt much of a presence but who knows what was that feeling. I think she could see someone from the other side.
well i've never felt a pressence, but my dog does freak me out by barking or growling when there appears to be nothing there. last night i was sitting in the family room on my laptop and the dog kept going to the sliding glass door that leadsto the backyardand growling and snarling at the darkness outside. i looked out there but saw nothing. he kept doing it and it was starting to scare me, so i turned on the porch light and letdown the blinds.
hmm sounds creepy.. sometimes my cat stares into thin air and looks scared so it freaks me out but not as bad as your dog.. if your religous say a prayer!!
It's a g-g-g-GHOST!!!!

Seriously, though, sometimes I walk my dogs in the cemetary and every once in a while the older one will go crazy. He will bark 3 times, spin in a circle, bark 3 times and spin in a circle the other way, then just start barking and barking and barking until we turn around and start going back home. It's really weird and it always happens right after we pass this tree.

I totally think that ghosts are real and that animals can sense them.
Is there like a wall or something there? Because your dog could be barking at something in the wall, like a mouse