my landlord complains to much?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
i have two months left before my lease is up in my apartment i live in a two family house .when we first moved in he made it seem like weekends he didint care if we made noise but during the week try to keep it down after seven problem i work about 80 hrs a week and my fiance works 9/2/5.easter was here it was sunday 630pm he calls me telling me you didint inform me family was coming over for dinner please tell them to leave. i come home late from work so he complained that i come home to late.i live to far from my friends or family to invite anyone over and im working most of the time .but he still calls me every other day to complain about the noise or the tv to loud but his family upstairs constant banging and noise. he has a party every other day music banging very loud what should i do .i cant take this no more