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  1. #1

    What are the best high capacity MP3 players...

    ...that support Y! Music Unlimited? I'm looking for a great MP3 player that has 20GB or more space. I also want it to work with Yahoo! Music Unlimited which means it supports Microsoft Play for Sure. This rules out any iPods unfortunately.

  2. #2
    Microsoft has a PlaysForSure website that allows you to search for subscription compatible players. The PlaysForSure logo can be very confusing since many PlaysForSure devices don't play subscription tracks like those offered by Yahoo, Napster, and Rhapsody.You can select the Audio Subscription option as well as the 20GB+ option to get a list of players: you've identified some players of interest I would check out: should help you find the player that's right for you.I've used the Creative Zen Micro with YME and it has worked pretty well. Its definitely not as good as the iPod line, but the fact that it supports subscription music makes it much more valuable to me.

  3. #3
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    i have ipod, and it sucks... would suggest getting one of the sandisk players.

  4. #4
    Jamie Glenn
    I have the creative zen micro 5gb and it works fine. i think you can get it for under 0 now.

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