Who's tired of pet store employees not knowing ANYTHING?!?


New member
Apr 20, 2008
How many times have you been told something from pet store employees that you later found out was a lie (through either forums or your fish DYING!)? Well I'd like to hear some because sometimes the stories are outragous.

Here's an example for me: I was told that there is algae that I can't see that my pleco is eating. Come to find out later that if you can't see it, it isn't there!

I'd appreciate any responses! Thanks!
If you would like to discuss this issues I have started a group about this outragous issue. The link is below:

You're right not ALL pet store employees don't know what they're doing but it's a shockingly high amount. So sorry if this question offended you.
i am a pet store employee and its really annoying when they have gotten the wrong info from somewhere else. then you have to explain everything (but that is a good thing coz you are giving them the right info)

when i first wanted to keep tropical fish, i went to an aquarium and asked what i needed, they sold me a tank, etc as well as the fish on the same day! they never explained that you had to leave the tank set up for a number of weeks for the good bacteria to grow. so of course the ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels were through the roof and killed the fish :( then i called and said, the fish you sold me have died and i only had them for a couple of days and they were really rude about it!

just goes to show that some people are just out for the money!
i hate it!! some are just there to sell their rubbish and get their money!

i donno wat to believe anymore >.<
As a pet store employee I really don't appreciate what you've said. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but don't just say "all". Maybe you should be going to another pet store if you aren't satisfied with the answers your getting.