

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Okay so I started feeling wierd te other day.
I started to like get feelings for this girl.She's my best friend.I've known her since 1st grade.
But the thing is men are still attractive to me!
So I started asking myself if i'm Bi.If you could give me some advice it would really help.:D
My advice to you is to not fixate on the label. It shouldn't define you, so don't spend time thinking too much into it. Focus on how you're going to deal with your new feelings for your best friend.
My definition of bisexuality is having attraction to both genders sexually. Are you sexually attracted to her? This has happened to me before, but I knew I wasn't, when I realized I didn't want to do anything with her. Maybe she just made you feel good one day, at times that will happen and you question yourself, but in the end, you know what you like.
Just because you had a feeling for one girl doesn't make you bi or a lesbian. A lot of girls I know experiment with each other and they are straight with boyfriends. You shouldn't be concerned at all. In time, you'll find out your true sexuality.
its just you've experience so much with her throught so many years, but you haven't experience with her in a more sexual/personal way. its just curiousity...but if the feelings continue to stay you could consider yourself bisexual.. dont worry its not a bad thing (=
I think its silly to have to categorize yourself into straight, bisexual, or homosexual. If you like someone, it shouldn't matter if they are a girl or a boy.