schooling fish that would go well with my aggresive fish?


New member
May 20, 2008
I have two angelfish, one of which is still a juvenillie, and the other which is mature and fully frown, two gouramis, and a bichir. I wanted to get some nice schooling fish that won't end up being eaten by my angels and bichir that's not quite fully grown yet, but has already become a bit of a biter. I want at least six or five, depending on the size, which should be relatively small. I was thinking harlequin rasbora, but I don't know how they'll act with my bichir. Suggestions?
Do not get tiger barbs they will attack the Angel fish, I would suggest some type of a large tetra.

hope this is helpful

``````````````````<><````````````````````````````````````FISHY IN WATER!!!!!