I need help with a treasure hunt!!?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
Here's the clues any suggestions will be helpful:
"National Treasure" was found in DC our local treasure lies in KC Kanabec County.
No tools are needed, no shovel required on public property it can be acquired.
"Get Smart" and you will find with "A Beautiful Mind" a treasure sublime.
You may go "West Side Story" or East of Eden" or by word of mouth "North and South"
"Joe Dirt" might describe "The Road to Perdition" "Fiddler on the Roof" liked to sing out tradition.
You may think that that finding the treasure may seem like a breeze but while you are looking think about "Men in Trees"
This clue might help you on your quest "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
While on your journey, it may help to ask "Grumpy Old Men" that are up to the task.
To help narrow your search, take this clue to heart, "The Lake House" may be a good place to start.

Any ideas???