ex hus. tells daughter that school has better test scores, cheerleading ect to get


Jun 3, 2008
her to move w him. Let her? The school does have better test scores and looks to be an over all better school but it is a 1/2 hr from the school that my son goes to and the school that she would go to rightfully living with me. He told her she won't have a dress code and can be a cheerleader ect if she goes there. Says he will pick her up and drop her off every day and if he can't his girlfriend will or his mother. He was found guilty of neglect and is an alcholic. I worry every time the kids go there. It is a better school but I don't see it working out being so far away. My daughter is very materialistic and is falling for his bribes. Even considers moving in with him which scares me to death. The fact that he brought it up to her without talking to me about it and has been bribing her gets under my skin. How do I not look like the bad guy to her? I wish the school was closer to my work and home. Should I make her go live with him the few weeks left b4 school starts 2 maybe see him for the real him? Or...
Or should I make her make a choice this wed when we all sit down to talk about it that if she wants to go that she has to go till one week b4 school 2 see if she wants to or that she has to go to the school here close to the house and not bring up the other school again? I don't want her to go live with her dad because of me making the wrong choice. The father don't see that splitting the kids up into two differant homes would have a worse effect than for her to go to a school with lower test scores. Honestly I think it is so he don't have to pay support anymore. Which he don't pay regularly anyway since self employeed he don't have it withheld like most support paying ex's. He pays when he wants and don't when he don't. What do I do? What shouldn't I do? I wish I lived in that school district but don't and don't have the ability to move. What is best all the way around and won't make my daughter feel like I'm the evil one?
You are the parent, you make the rules. Maybe find a good school near you? If he's willing to drop her off and what not, why not let him? Staying with him would be a different matter. Absolutely not, not even for a trial run. And if he's trying to bribe her under the table, tell him that you do not appreciate it and see if you can have supervised visitation? Because it does not seem at all like he respects you as a parent.
But, if I may suggest? Find a soup kitchen or a mission trip (go to foreign countries to build churches/hospitals). This can bring an end to the materialistic behavior (and I'm sure you know it's not good for her to be like that) They are good experiences and she may better appreciate what she has. I know a few, and I will be going on some myself soon. You won't believe how much better you appreciate what you have and it will bring her in contact with people outside of her circle. Materialistic children tend to grow up into materialistic adults.