Parents don't want me to be like my older brother?


May 20, 2008
I'm a 15 year old girl, my brother is 19. He got ok grades in school and is going to a local college now, staying at home. He plays video games a lot and he eats at odd times because he stays up to around 4 each night and wakes up around 12. He doesn't listen to my parents on occasion, but all in all he isn't that bad a kid.

I've been staying up later lately due to the fact that it's summer and I've been having trouble sleeping. But my mom gave me this angry lecture on me turning into my brother and how she doesn't need anymore kids like him.

I just got really upset when she said that. I really think he's a pretty nice guy and it offends me that she thinks that poorly of him. And also that she would get so mad at me for staying up late a few days in a row, when my two younger siblings (brother(13), sister(11)) are absolute brats 24/7 that tell her no almost everytime she asks them to do something.

Do you guys have any idea why she reacted this way? Am I overeacting?
I get good grades and almost always listen to my parents. Going to bed late is the only bad thing I rember having done in a long while. I just find it unfair that, that being said, she would blow up at me over such a little thing.