Has anyone had slight bleeding and occ. mild cramping when in early stage...


New member
Jun 23, 2008
...of pregnancy? I just found out I was prego yesterday, and the only reason I found out was because I called the Dr. to see why I had 3 periods in a month well the ytook a test and a faint pos. came up so I did the blood test and have to go for the other one tom. to see if the counts doubed. Well I am still bleeding brownish pink very light but it is noticable plus very mild cramps which I know can happen in the first stage of pregnancy (I felt this with my first but no blood was present) I just want to know if this happened to anyone else and they still was pregnant or was it the startof a miscarraige??
I am 8 weeks pregnant and I have had on and off light bleeding. That is how i found out i was pregnant. I wasn't sure what it was cause it was very light with slight cramping .. really only there when I wiped but it happened like 4 times in the past month. I took a home test and it was neg. I then took and blood test and it was pos. I am constently worried about it, but the doc. said it was normal and very common for light bleeding during early pregnancy, but does need to be monitored...