Does the internet have storage limits or is it infinite?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
How is information stored on the net? As far as I know, when you create a myspace account or an online blog/journal, it will remain there until you delete it. I was just surfing the net and came upon an old site I used to visit daily when I was a teenager. It was my old livejournal. I was suprised to find that I still remembered the password and when I pulled it up, it was like going down memory lane. Will this journal be online for my kids to see? Have we come to an age where instead of finding mom's old diaries, you can find her old blogs? I know that some sights state that after your account is inactive for a certain period of time, it is deleted? What about the places that don't put limits on accounts? Will they have to start limmitting the amount of inactive accounts as the site becomes more popular or physically "full" ..or do they have infinite space to work with? Is every word on my old livejournal stored on the memory of a computer somewhere at the livejournal company?
The internet doesn't store anything.

It's the computers that are connected to the internet that provide the storage space. And they are all privately owned, so it is up to the owner, or corporation to decide what to do with old storage. They each have their own rules.
All information you "Store" or "Upload" to the internet is stored on a companies servers, the internet does have a storage capacity limited to the total amount of hard drive space on all servers and there ability to access it, although it is likely that as the internet gets older, older information will be destroyed as a company moves to a new website or shuts down.
Your livejournal was stored on a server(basically a computer that hosts a lot of sites). Your old site will always be available as long as it is still stored on the servers and made available on the internet. When the livejournal guys decide that your account has been inactive for too long or that they need the space on their servers, they will delete your old journal/site and it is gone forever. So it all depends on the guys who host your stuff. The servers are like normal computers with hard drives and so they have afinite amount of information that they can store.