Does hughes net work with xbox live?


Jun 12, 2008
I live in the country so hughes net is the only option. I have a wireless adaptor on my xbox 360. we have a netgear router connected to the hughes net modem so we have wireless interenet through out house. will xbox live work or not?
hughes net

i can connect to xbox live with hughes net but it takes forever to play any games online so i dont use it.
some games work. actually more than you think but you will have alot of lag

i cant get street fighter IV, Resident Evil 5 or Call of Duty 4 Moder Warfare to work. I can connect and chat with my friends while they enjoy games on their better internet, but thats just frustrating. I only keep it for downloadable content. I did get Gears of War 2 to work but it was horribly laggy.

its so frustrating that i have considered moving to somewhere they offer highspeed internet. Being a gamer in the country sucks.
i feel your pain

dudes i feel your pain im not really a gamer more of an outdoors athlete. but i like to play those games and and alot of my friends have xbox live and i really want to get it but i cant with hughsnet. but i heard you could by plugging it in to direct tv and somthing like that you could split lines and get a connection and play. but i dont know. hughsnet sucks so bad.

hey i was just wondering if any of you could to tell me whats the deal with hughsnet xbox live and plugging the cord into direct tv. if any one can help that would be great!
Same here hughes net blows.... if it worked through Direct tv that would be awsome!
I feel your pain I have had Hughes net for 2 years and any shooter game will not work but Tony hawk games and guitar hero3 work just like cable. I have an iPhone and I heard u can get a wireless router and set up a wireless network and connect the iPhone to the network and use it's 3g Internet to play. Hope it works out for u

Hey can u connect xbox live to a wireless router and borrow ur neighbors Internet? I have hughsnet so that's why.

We just got hughesnet sucks all the way around. The tech support dosen't have a clue about there our system. Not mention the sales person told us " oh yeah it works great with xbox live" load of bs to get you to buy it. We are cancelling the service and reporting them to the BBB. We have the pro package and it's really slow about like dialup. Everything they advertised with execption of the price has been false.
Fuck the god damn greedy-ass cable and dsl companies. Fuck them all to fucking hell!

how do i get xbox live to work with hughes net without it lagging. the hughes net guy said that some ppl have figured it out but he did not kno
make the best out of it

if you got hughesnet like me you know any first person shooter won't work, but you can use dial up to play those thats what i do with halo 3 and modern warfare 2. but if you don't got dial up then try Grand theft auto IV(ballad of gay tony) its almost perfect except for the cars and motorcycles lag but everything else is fine, and need for speed: shift works perfect. you can also make your connection better if you have a router, you can use dhcp reservation and manually put in your dns
So if I get 3 Mbps using hughes it still won't let me play games on xboxlive
There might be an answer to this maddness!!!!!!

Hey I heard that u could use a 802.11ABG adapter to get xbox live when u have hughsnet as ur Internet provider. Is this true?, and if so how well does it work?
wtf i live in the country about to get hughes net (nothing faster) i heard it might work with a wifi box connected but does anyone know or sure?
I used my blackberry, hooked it into my laptop, and then hooked that into my 360 and it worked for everything but Football games....MW2 workd but was quite laggy
Hey I have A Verizon USB modem and xbox live works fine on it. all I play is MW2 tho.
wtf i live in the country about to get hughes net (nothing faster) i heard it might work with a wifi box connected but does anyone know or sure?

The problem isn't the download or upload speed of the service, it's the ping times. Any satellite service is going to have uplink/downlink delays of about 2 seconds (I used to write software for satellite communications). You need good ping times (<150ms) to get any kind of performance out of online shooters, otherwise, the time it takes for your client (xbox, pc, whatever) to update the server with your new position, action (shooting, etc) and the time it takes for the server to update your client is going to be too long and you're going to see long lag times.

If you live in a rural area like I do, you basically have two options:

1. Try to find out if a WiMax or other long-range-WiFi provider--such as ClearWire--has moved into your area... they general connect antennas to existing infrastructure (such as water towers and grain silos) and can broadcast an 11mb signal out about 6 miles or so, depending on terrain, giving you an effective 1-4mb download link, half that for upload, and 25-45ms ping times, depending on a variety of factors

2. Use one of the cell-provider broadband services if available in your area--Verizon/Sprint/etc.--which will give you anywhere from a 1xRTT download speed (128kbps) to Rev-A EVDO which will give you up to 2mbps speeds

3. Pray that someone at the local cable/phone provider makes a clerical error and puts digital repeaters in your area and runs service to your house, which is about as likely as getting struck by lightening

The biggest drawback with option 2 is the 5gb/month cap (with possibly huge overage charges if exceeded) and the cost, which is anywhere from $60-100/month.

Good luck.