Why do Left-Liberals attack the U.S. & its leaders in a time of war, but...



...ignore our true enemy- radical Islam? The left thinks it's courageous and patriotic to attack the President, but that's not only easy, it's deeply ingrained on both sides of the political spectrum. Don't forget the '90's when the right voiced its many disagreements with President Clinton. What distinguishes the left and right, however, is that the right is not afraid to call evil what it is, and currently it is in the form of radical Islam and its Jihad. George Clooney and Michael Moore have a right to criticize President Bush and that's ok-- it's their prerogative. But in the spirit of balance how about the possibility of Mr. Moore waddling up to the leaders of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) and asking why they won't consistently denounce Islamic violence. Is that asking too much?