Politics & Government > Politics: Why do we need Obama’s “Civilian...

Apr 13, 2008
...National Security Force”? http://www.infowars.com/?p=3417

"It appears candidate Obama, if elected, fully intends to recruit young citizens into something he calls a “national security force,” apparently a large paramilitary group “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military. Obama made passing reference to this disturbing idea in a speech delivered in Chicago on July 2. As should be expected, the corporate media, with the exception on the
Chicago Tribune,
completely ignored the statement and its implications.

It was picked up by the real media, that is to say the bloggers, and Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily. “If we’re going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn’t this rather a big deal?”
