Ferret won't hold down food at all, vet told me to wait till tomorrow to give food?


Active member
May 13, 2008
My ferret just started puking randomly while I was cleaning up his sister's accident (poop). I believe he may have eaten some poop, but that would be stupid. It's also possible that he ate something but we're very ferret-proof.

I fed some ferret lax which he seemed to hold down, but then put him in his cage with his sis and he ate some dry food and puked that up in little coughs. I then took him out and gave him a little more ferret lax (after doing some research I thought I might not have given enough). He puked immediately. We then gave him water, which he drank, and he puked that up a minute later.

Called the on-call vet through the vet we took him to (they claim to treat exotics) and the vet said no food, no water. Water after several hours. Wait till tomorrow for food. Treated me like an idiot for giving him lax. I understand the idea of not feeding him while he's puking, but to wait till tomorrow until giving him food???

Also, he's still dry-heaving with mucus.
*With a tiny amount of mucus every now and again.

He does not appear to be in pain (no teeth grinding or pawing at the mouth) and he's still running around the cage. However, he'll lay down breathing kind of fast and then he'll puke, wipe his face off, and then seem tired.

Anyway, I was told this center had an emergency vet, now they just have "on-call vets". I don't really know what to do, feel kind of panicked. The ferrets are about 5-6 months old.
