Why do Conservatives complain against too much Government in their lives...


New member
Jul 12, 2008
...and too much regulation? One of the central Conservative themes is "LESS Government." Less Government in our lives, less Government forcing social programs on us, less Government taking our taxes and spending it on themselves, and less Government regulation on how we live.

Yesterday I'm driving home and flipping between two conservative radio hosts and both are livid at the Fannie Mae/Fredie Mac disaster that is falling on us. What blew me away was that both attributed this to the fact that both these companies were exempt from typical SEC standards. BOTH SAID THIS IS WHAT YOU GET "WHEN YOU DON'T REGULATE THESE GUYS."

Wow, they sure changed their tune. All the sudden they want MORE regulation. The same guys that were responsible for breaking down the regulations that led to the Eron scandle by letting accounting audit firms regulate themselves. Someone called one of the radio hosts on this change of position and he couldn't even answer the question and called the guy a name and hung up on him!
I love how Conservatives want less Government and intrusion in their lives yet are all for the FISA. Yes Obama voted for this too, which is a bunch of crap. His only saving grace was that he at least said he didn't want blanket immunity for telecom corporations that broke the law.

Less govenment intrusion Conservatives say, then BUSH AND CHENEY REWRITE LAW and spy on americans without going through the proper FISA channels. Republicans are hyporcrites.