Could you give me four future technology?I have to do my holiday homework.And i...


New member
Jul 12, 2008
...don't know what is that?please plz could you help me i am a student of australian islamic college.i am in year 8 i have to do my holiday homework?
An interesting theme. All you have to do is watch a Sci-Fi movie and notice all the cool things that make their life easier with technologies we do not (yet) have.
Once you think about it, it isn't hard at all.
One of my favourites is, if mankind could synthetically duplicate a spider's thread. Way more durable, stronger and flexible than steel or plastics.
Now I have given you one. I will give you one more hint: think about transportation in Star Trek. Get it?
Now you should be able to do YOUR homework easily.
Good luck!
1. Undetectable concealed explosives
2. Mind control of the non Islamic belief
3. Suicide Androids
4. Flying car bombs