Do you think George Bush feels "icky" when he sits in the oval office?


steve m

If you were GWB, sitting in the oval office pretending to be hard at work..... Would you feel "icky," knowing that Bill Clinton say at that same desk and got a BJ from an intern? Or that a fat intern might have lay spread eagle on that desk with a cigar hanging out her woman th'ang? Your thoughts....
lol, some good answers ppl. For the person that said bush is my hero... i never suggested that i even like the guy, actually i despise him. Just think the idea of being in space that was once occupied by WIllys...willy.... is..... ICKY!!!
well i've heard that his favorite thing is "clearin the bush" on his texas ranch!!!

so im sure he's used to sticky situations!!!

i just wonder if Laura is up to putting up with his weed wacker!

go figure!!!!
No, but I think that those who sit in there with him feel, "icky".
He mostly stays at his ranch from what I have seen. Is there any brush left in Crawford now?
I would think not. All of the furniture in the Oval Office plus the carpet, rugs, paintings, and even the paint on the wall were more than likely changed when Bush took office. It's pretty typical and part of the changing of the guard from one administration to another.
???????? Did Bill & Hillary leave anything behind to be icky when they left . Didn`t they steal all they could carry out , silverware , pictures off the wall , carpet off the floor , drapes and curtains , and anything that was not tied down ; not to mention what their staff did to the inside of the White House decor in their rage of stupor ?
lol. I would have had a sterile clean service before i sat in that room. he probably did.
the only thing your empty suit hero feels is "overwhelmed!!!"
I dunno. Maybe it gave Laura some other "ideas"?
Oh, Baby !
Only when thinking about the last democrat there that used all the furnature ...the beds...carpets...bathrooms...yuk.
I think he feels "icky" knowing that he has been selling false patriotism to ignorant Americans while stripping the intelligent ones of their civil liberties...

But that implies that he has some level of self-awareness.
Do you feel "Icky" for asking such a immature, moronic question?
Do you feel "Icky" for asking such a immature, moronic question?
I think its been proven George Bush doesn't feel a thing, because he is has a huge wind tunnel between his ears .
Nope...I'm sure the First Lady had the place decontaminated, and the desk was removed and exchanged. Presidents usually do not use the same desk as thier predecessors.

Good reason to keep Shrillary outta there, the poor Oval Office would see a return of interns being used the same way, but a new molester !
Having to follow Clinton,what do you think?
Your confused about who's pretending to work hard,that was Clinton"s thang for photo ops.