I'm a young teenager and obviously I live with my parents.I have my own room and I am an only child.

The thing is,I prefer my room to be a bit messier..In other words,I don't like my room messy to the point that theres moldy sandwiches everywhere,I just like my room to be MY room that reflects my personality.

When I'm at school or when I'm not looking,I've noticed my mother cleans my room.One day,I came home from school and I wanted to put my backpack in my bedroom.The first thing I saw was my mother's butt hanging out of my closet.I asked her why she was in my room and why my room was literally rearranged and she says "Oh,I was bored,so I decided to rearrange your room ! "

It's not like I'm hiding anything,because I pretty much have nothing to hide,but my lack of privacy being able to put things where I want to put them,really is driving me to the point of insanity.I want my room to be mine that I can redesign and reorganize and decorate as I want.

Any advice?