Hummer owners complaining about $4.50/gal gas may be a "nation of whiners" in...


May 23, 2008
Hummer owners complaining about $4.50/gal gas may be a "nation of whiners" in...

...a "mental recession"... but owners of the fuel-efficient Toyota Prius hybrids are totally happy with their vehicles.

Should McCain's advisor apologize for his comments that the US is a "nation of whiners" in a "mental recession" when in actuality, only the con half of the nation who've made their poor financial and voting decisions is that way?
He should not resign because what he said was the absolute truth.

Cons are only complaining about what things "might be" if Obama gets elected.

Libs complain about the economy, when we're not in a recession. The media loves to portray it that way, but it is no.
Libs complain about the deficit, the war, the "evil" leaders and companies, the "wam" weather, healthcare, social security,the Christians, the Jews, the right, and my personal favorite "fascist neocons"

You have a right to be mad about things, but most of that anger should be directed at your congress ( 9% approval !!??)

Maybe you are ... in private
Cool, I hope you have to put a wind turbine on top of that death trap to make it run forever; this way as long as your moving, the turbine with keep making electricity.