Aren't We helping the terrorists achieve their ideological objectives, when We


New member
Jul 10, 2008
actively dismantle and ...? ... slaughter our own FREEDOM / Liberties and hard-won Democratic/American Way of Life [albeit in the name of National Security]?

Congratulations my fellow citizens: Bowing to pressures from Fear Mongers like W, DICK Cheney, and their accomplices in peddling mass hysteria [relentlessly stuffing their favorite lexicons of NeoCon propaganda (e.g. "Al Qaeda", "War on Terror", "911") down our throats] our gutless Senate has now approved the reprehensible Surveillance Bill, allowing our [secret] government to legally eavesdrop and spy on Americans.

As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the saddest days in the history of our nation. :-(

Wakeup America: Let the world, the terrorists, and above all our own politicians know that America is the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE - NOT a hellhole full of scared $h!tless sissy's, as W and his shameless gang would have us portrayed.

Here’s looking at you, my proud America:
Ah, you don't understand the brilliance of the Bush administration. Since our enemies hate us for our freedoms, all we have to do is get rid of our freedoms and they will no longer hate us! The logic is flawless and anyone who disagrees is obviously a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer.

On the plus side, Bush couldn't manage a baseball team, and managing a police state is much much harder and more complicated. He's fouled up everything else he touches, I wouldn't worry about him setting up a Nazi regime.
Let's not forget the fact that the Democrats out number the Republicans in Congress. Also, Obama voted for this instead of voting "Present" for a "change."

God Bless America!

God Bless Our Troops!
I agree. We've basically let the terrorists have what they wanted -- a country that's afraid of them. We should have spent our time and effort protecting our interests here, not attacking them in other countries and stripping our citizens of the rights we're supposedly protecting.