Your Feelings?



What do you disagree with?in life today.
Either political, educational, or in the community please feel to exspress you likes or dislikes and are you happy with the way the country is being run and what can we as people do about it.
What would you like to tell the politicions if you had the chance.
I may use a few of your answers in a book.
Retox you must like me then i was a ex criminal bad to the bone a serious problem with alchol and served many years as a inmate today i work with you people was a school gov community sports leader and counsellor and a published author see
children should not be pushed so hard to compete and memorize at such a young age
the rich are taking too much from the people
they are judgmental, simpleminded, consumers

it is pretty easy to succeed for a white male
i am filled with purpose in seeing so much that needs change

what we can do
sacrifice our time and energy into causes that are good and noble

edit, your email does not accept....
I saw your book page

i could also see the wisdom that you carry
i am proud of you
not that i am your better , just that i felt where you came from
and your intentions in writing,,,

keep up the good work and always keep patience for the "good" people
that we can see the bad in.

we may be underappreciated but i think god knows us better than most
I feel strongly about crime. For instance, when innocent people are killed by groups of teenagers and they get let off with a couple of years in prison. I always think how angry I would feel if say for instance my partner was stabbed and killed by some scabby little waster and the criminal got 18 months. If you murder someone you should stay in prison for the rest of our life. I strongly believe this. Our justice system seems to favour the criminal rather than victim which is completely wrong.

I also feel strongly about benefit fraud and people who live their entire life on benefits - taking all their lives and not giving back. They then have the cheek to moan and groan about people who have money yet, they are the people paying their damm benefits!. I despise the victim mentality that some people have - wanting the government or society in general to help them when in fact they can help themselves.

I like enthusiatic and motivated people, I like strong people who are hard working and want to make the most out of their lives. I like people who take responsibility for their own actions rather than blaming other people. I have the utmost respect for anyone who has ever beat an addiction such as alcohol or drugs and turned their life around - I think that must be so hard.

EDIT: I have just read your link to your book and take my hat off to you. I think to overcome addiction problems and to be able to move on after having a criminal record takes enourmous courage. Often, it means that person turning their back on their family and friends to move on and that is a brave thing indeed. I truly believe that more work should be put into trying to turn young people's lives around rather than putting them in prison. However, the problem is that society in general get fed up with hearing about crime and the awful affects it has on people's lives that they just want the criminals banged up and taken off the streets - a short term solution which doesn't work. You give a young kid a criminal record at the age of 16 and he won't be able to find a job, so ends up on benefits living in poverty and probably back to a life of crime. More often than not, these kids have been shown no love or encouragement in their entire lives. I also greatly admire the people who try and help youngsters get a better life. I was born in the 60's and life generally was a lot harder then - my childhood wasn't that great - I grew up in poverty however, I was lucky to have a great father and step mother to keep me on the straight and narrow. We had no money and I didn't get a lot of love but I did get encouragement, confidence and a sense of independence from my parents for which I am eternally grateful for. Those are the tools for life. Having come from that, I truely understand how life is so hard - a game of day to day survival for many many people. Good luck to you - don't worry about the grammar (you mention in your book review)- it's what you say and do that matters.
I dislike the healthcare system. They can charge any price they want to because the people who are sick have no choice when they're near death. Many people in my family have been close to death and rushed to the hospital. The bill was ridiculous. It was over $400 for one night in a hospital room (this is without medication prices and such). My aunt has had breast cancer twice and she will be in debt for the rest of her life (I'm not even kidding when I say she owes over one million dollars).
The way people wear their jeans, without belts and showing underwear.
What do you don't like in this world?
For me every bad conduct :).
See you!
We are living on the edge of a new and frightening era . . . . global power is shifting away from the West and the West is struggling to keep hold of it.

We have prostituted ourselves in the name of progress and greed. As the saying goes "the piper has to be paid at some point" and that debt has now been called in.

This disposable world we have created and embraced is going to have the last laugh by disposing of us unless we can cease this greed and get on with our fellow man throughout the world.

Power and domination over the world has been based on who controls its the resources, namely oil; this brings wealth which brings military power but it also brings the greenhouse effect and global warming.

We must plan far ahead to abate what is surely a no brainer . . . natural sustainable resources which are staring us in the face and have always been staring us in the face.

Our society, whilst developing in the name of progress has dismantled the natural infrastructure of our daily and family lives. Everything has become "throw away" including family life.

The answer . . . ever heard of the fable of the Emperor's clothes . . . we need someone who is not afraid to say the truth. To act out what most of us surely believe, to think about the future and not just today and tomorrow . . . is there such a person ?