15 years old 5'8, 145 lbs, want to lose fat on mid section/upper arms. HELP?!?!...


New member
Jul 7, 2008
...Also want XC advice please! Okay, I'm as stated 145 lbs, 15, and 5'8. I am a XC runner of mediterranean decent. I have muscular arms legs, and mid section, but it is all covered in FAT. Its really bugging me that people don't see how athletic I am because I look plain chubby. I think I should just cut calories, but what foods should I eat, so that I can still run, while losing weight at the same time? I can't run if I don't eat enough food, which is a big issue for me... I have a slow metabolism. What should I try eating??

I also was considering being a diver next year, but I'm scared that I will gain weight if I start diving rather than running. Races scare the crap out of me, and I don't like running them... HELP?!
I just have all these dresses where my fat is sticking out, and I look horrendous. Ew.

I really want to look good in a swim suit, AND in a dress, AND jeans and a t. =)