Joining our commenter hall of fame today is homerjay, who's made great comments for over a year now. The one that put him over the top was this, in the iPhone Sighting Video post:
Do you really think your iphone experience is going to be any different from this video? Its not like chicks are going to flock to you and you're gonna get a personal call from the president on it (not as glamorous as it used to sound).Its a phone.It'll ring.You'll look at it.You'll realize you don't want to talk to your ex-wife who you KNOW is just going to bitch.You'll put it back in your pocket.Yay iPhone!!
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1) Click on the "Register" link on the top right of the page. Fill out the form by choosing a username, password and email for your eventual comment account.
2) Choose a post, click on it, and scroll to the bottom.
3) Fill in the comment.
4) Refresh the page to see if your comment shows up. If it hasn't within a day or two, try again with a comment more like homerjay's.
