Describe your favorite kind of donut?

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Describe your favorite kind of donut?
light fluffy stick, sweet, round(of course) sexy, seductive, oh wait donut.. umm im all out of descriptives.
I love the cherry cake donuts. They are a moist fruity cherry cake that just melts in your mouth after every bite.
glazed but since im thinking ur a perverted guy im gonna let ur imagination make the word "glazed" nasty
thick juicy grape jelly dazzled in a sweet powedry sugar with crust of an angel, mmmmm
custard-or raspberry-filled bismarks with chocolate frosting.
Am I horrible if I say I don't like them? I love, love, love coffee...and that's typically my breakfast. I will, every now and then, have a bowl of fruit...or my sweet hubby will make us bacon and eggs.
A warm, glazed krispy kreme donut that just came out of the oven that slides down your throat. It's almost better than sex lol
one with a hole and pink strawberry cream and sprinkles, it is deep fried and has been sitting on a shelf for about 9 hours; yum
a warm donut bathed in cinnamon and fine sugar and then heated delish!