Why do Obama bashers whine about how he is a Muslim and then also whine...


New member
Jun 18, 2008
...about his ex-church and ex pastor? Isn't that kind of stupid? If I have to explain why it is completely idiotic to whine about both, you should keep yourself out of the voting booth.
Let's hope they keep bringing that up and not about the realtor that's going to jail that sold him that land, the former terrorist who had the fund raiser for him, thank goodness he hasn't had to answer that and his voting record. If we can keep them off or those subjects it will help and the Muslim and church stuff he will get over that, I mean he has made several public statements and explained the church thing and they are buying it. You can also say that bringing that up is "racist", which is a good trump card. Many still buy into that.

Today is an excellent example, if the general was not acting on the Clinton's behalf, then he did a good thing, as it draws fire to him as a military person, but still jabs at McCain and our man denounces it and comes out smelling like a rose.

Did you see the way he ended that statement, very forceful, by saying he was not going to put up with anyone questioning him either. Wasn't that presidential. Threw the monkey on their backs.

Rule of thumb in politics, keep them away from facts. If you sling enough against the wall something will stick.
You know how some people are. They'll do anything to bring him down. Personally, i think he would make a better president. He used to be Muslim, i think. Even if he was, so what? ? Not all of them are bad.