Everytime I blog about love, she complains or puts down on what I write about......


New member
Jun 21, 2008
...what's up with that? This is such a weird question.. but what is this all about? I have this somewhat close g/f from Texas (originally from UK) and at first, we got along great and would comment/support each other's blogs back and forth about relationship issues, love, etc. Since then, she's gotten married and has moved to the US.. stay-at-home mom, taking care of crazy step kids. I'm still the same, going to college, going on endless dates.. but recently when I've been blogging about my life, it seems that she is putting me down every time. Saying I'm a perfectionist, that i expect too much and I'm desperate. but I do want to be married someday and I'm still looking for "the one" or someone who I feel like can be a soulmate while having fun. Recently I had my heart broken by a mutual friend and she totally took his side - that shocked me.

She used to be really cool.. but now I feel like things are weird and awkward. What do you think? Thank you.