Am I crazy to stay married?


Mar 27, 2008
He has rage issues when he gets annoyed. He has broke a chair over the kitchen table, he has punched a hole in the door, and he always raises his voice and says profanities when he argues with me. He acts like I am a discusting vile creature when hes angry at me. I am the opposite. I do not yell or use profanities and I never get out of hand in anger. I usually just get offended or hurt and unfortunately I am a cryer. Aside from what we argue about which tends to be little stupid unimportant issues, is the behavior he shows me when we fight enough for me to divorce him? He is a great father and never has done any of this in front or around our daughter and when hes in a good mood we mesh well together with our sense of humor and affection. I just don't know if thats enough to keep us together. What should matter most? Just to clarify he has never hit me. If I had to give you a percentage of good to bad in him I would say 75% good and 25% bad. Should I push through?