Where can a first time buyer get a car loan?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
Okay so me and my husband put 1,600 down on a 2001 mazda protege at a new/used car dealership. Now me and my husband make about 4400 together a month....But everytime we apply for a car loan, we get denied. Our credit scores are 680. The only place that approved us said they would give us a two year loan at 22% interest and I have to put this vehicle and my husbands as collateral. Also, they want my husband to get full coverage on his 1996 jeep grand cherokee. Now this sounds INSANE. I had no clue it would be so difficult to buy a car. I only need 6000 to finance and I need help as to where to apply. I tried Credit Unions, my bank, A ton of online ones. I'm soo stressed out. I just got a job where I need a ca ASAP and its been about 3 days.HELP!!!