High school student with cancer not allowed to graduate?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
**UPDATED - Friday June 5 **

Has anyone else seen this?


High school senior has failed to complete one (1) class due to surgeries and radiation treatment. She is all ready doing work to make up the class but won't finish until after graduation. The school will not let her participate in the graduation ceremony with her classmates. They won't even allow her to walk in and sit with them! She is going to sit in the bleachers in her cap and gown and watch. I thought teachers were supposed to care about their students. I guess not in Woodland, CA.
She will get to not only sit with her peers but walk with them as well! She just has to finish the one outstanding English paper.
I find it funny that the school administration is claiming they had no prior knowledge of the situation and the media attention has blown it all out of proportion. WRONG!
Freddie Oakley, the girl's mother's boss, told the principle on Friday to contact the administration and get a resolution by noon on Monday or else the press was going to be notified. When Ms. Oakley talked to the school on Monday and was told nothing was going to change, she contacted News10 in Sacramento and here we are.
The administration is now trying to paint Freddie Oakley as the "bad guy" for bringing all the negative press to the school district.
These people just don't get it do they?
Freddie did what was RIGHT!
She actually showed COMPASSION! Freddie is now the standard for bosses who truly care about her workers and their families.
Way to go Leanna, way to go Freddie!