Neighbor threatens to sue over Parvo?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
As soon as we found out our pup had parvo, I let everyone in the neighborhood know and what symptoms to look for. Luckily our dog has recovered and we have disinfected our home but we realize our yard is going to be contaminated for a long time. One of our neighbor's dogs had the runs so they took her to the vet. Fortuately, it wasn't parvo but now this neighbor is mad at us and said that if her dogs get sick she is going to sue us for the vet bills. Our pup wasn't allowed out of our yard even before he got sick, but her dogs run around the neighborhood and we used to have to bring them home to her after they would get in our yard. We believe our pup got sick from another neighbor's dog that died mysteriously two weeks ago, but of course since Parvo is so contagious there is no way to know for sure. I feel like I am being punished for doing the right thing, letting everyone know our dog was sick. We could have kept quiet and not said a thing. How do we protect ourselves?