My dog is throwing up!!?


Scott B

I have a 6 y/o English Bulldog. Sat morn I woke up and she had thrown up several times, all over the house. She seemed fine most of Sat, then at night she began dry heaving, throwing up, but only stomach acid and foamy stuff came up. Kept doing it so I took her to the vet at about 10pm sat night. Vet gave her some shots and sent me home w/ some meds. Sun morning came and dog is no better. Still dry heaving w/ only stomach acid and foamy stuff coming up. Back to vet, several xrays, and all types of bloodwork later, vet says all he can find wrong is irritated stomach lining and lots of gas. Today(Mon) she isn't throwing up, just kinda coughing it seems like, occasionally she hacks once or twice. Nothing is coming up though. She also has no energy. I am assuming she is getting better and am hoping in another day or two she will be back to normal. I am giving her the "puppy pepto" the vet gave me. Also, the vet gave me some pills, but she won't swallow.
Sorry this is so long. Anyhoo, normally Iput pills in cheese and they go down no prob. How do I get her to swallow the pills? Lastly, anybody have any problems like this before? Any info is appreciated. Like I said, I think she is getting better, but I'm still kinda worried. Thanks in advance.
my puppy did this for like 5 days too...first time i took her to the vet, they gave me medicine and zantac to give to her, and told me to feed her rice and a little bit of yogurt. nothing else was going down. she was able to eat some rice...but still throwing up. we brought her back and they had to completely let all her intestines get cleared out, she stayed the whole day, and they x-rayed her and they were completely clear. they treated her very well and she came home and we still fed her soft foods such as white rice and water, and she got better.
i would either take her back or get a second opinion... doggies' tummies are very sensitive and if you love you doggie as much as i love mine, you will care for her. sounds like you do, so good job. =)
so either take her back in, or get another opinion...different vet...
our bill ended up being total of $500...but she's worth every penny!!!
put pill in the way back of throat,then hold mouth shut while gently messaging throat to induce swallowing, symptoms sound like rat poison consumption.
I would first off get her on a bland diet. Boil some chicken (no bones) or hamburg and some rice. Feed her that until her stomach clams down.
And I would also get her back in for another vet check if things don't improve.