History Is Cool!: This Day in Gaming, June 26th



2003: SOE releases Star Wars: Galaxies for PC in the US. It's a controversial title, as making Jedi proved as difficult as becoming the real thing, and eventually "New Game Enhancements" were released that threw the game's basic setup out the window. But as for the original time it took to unlock Jedi powers, I think it cements the difficulty in designing an MMO. If achievements can be scored too easily, your audience complains about it...as in WoW's expansion. But if they are too difficult, gamers start claiming the unlocked content doesn't even exist, as with SWG.
Still, was I the only one who expect Galaxies to be, not WoW big, but pretty freakin' big? Mark Wilson
Have gaming history, trivia, or famous birthdays you'd like to see in TDIG? Drop us a line at [email protected]

