Does getting tubal ligation make you gain weight or make it hard to lose weight?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I got my tubes tied and my friends say that you gain weight or have a hard time losing weight when you do that? I was wondering if it were true.
Yes, getting a tubal ligation will make you gain weight. Four years after my surgery, the weight started coming. I have always been a 3/4 or 5. Now I wear a 9/10. The weight will begin at your waistline, then the weight will continue to go to the thighs. I have tried every diet to lose weight and the only one that worked for me was the atkins. Your thighs will begin to store fat which is not nice looking. I regret getting that surgery and wish I had it to do all over again. No one ever mentioned the weight gain which is the worst part of the side effect
weight gain after tubal

I gained over 100 lbs in the first yr after my tubal. I gained no more than 120lbs (not pregnant) since after my first child. After my 14th child I decided to have the tubal. I was 131 lbs the morning after child birth and had the tubal. I weighed 162 before I left the hospital. I went in pregnant weighing 158 lbs. I asked the Dr and was told it was because they had to bloat my abdomen to proceed because my uterus was tight. (the good thing about being in sports and active my whole life) I had major gas for 2 months and kept gaining weight. I peaked at 221 lbs and all the Dr's would say is I eat too much.
i believe it to be true. everybody that i know that got thier tubes tied including me gained weight and is still struggling with it.I dont know if this true but i also believe that it causes other problems like cist on overies becuase 3 people that i know had something wrong with thier female organs all of them it was something to do with thier overies. so now im worried about my self. but i cant say for sure but the similarities kind of seam like it. what do you think?

I know that after having my 1st 2 kids I was able to quickly restore down to my normal weight but then after my 3rd child I decided to tie my tubes and I gained weight rather then lose it like I normally would do so I do believe strongly that it causes you to gain cause my normal weight is 115-125 its been 5 yrs since my last child and I weigh 175 and thats with diet and running so I'm thinking to reversing the sergery...
I started to gain about 6 weeks after mine. It seemed like my food wouldn't go down and and that was in 1997. My doctor recently told me it is because they put air in your belly when you get a tubal. I have gained nearly 80 pounds and can't get rid of it.
i also had my tubes done back in 2004 after my 5th daughter i was 165lbs after having her now i weight 295lbs thats 130lbs i never had a hard time losing weight till now i tried everything i am getting them reverised a/s/a/p i am very angry because before i had them done i asked the dr will anything change with my body if i had this done he told me no everything would be the same
Weight after TUBAL

After reading all these posts I fel no hope to get back to the way I once was. I too have gained a lot of wieght after have my tubal. Before I decided to get one I would get opinions from random people and I had one lady tell me she gained 70 lbs. after having hers done. I thought she was trying to put off her being big on something. Heck no it is soooo true and they fail to tell you this! Very upset!!!! :mad:
I got my tubes tired after my 3rd child and I have always been a size 3 to 5 and 110 to 115 pounds. I got my tubes tied January 26th and have gained a LOT of WEIGHT so far. I am now in a size 16 pants and I eat salad no cheese and no dressing for lunch and thats pretty much all I eat all day no soda no coffee only water. I have went to doctors about the weight gain and they tell me it is my calorie intake. Well I eat nothing and still gain. I also just discovered I have fibroids in my uterus so they took them out 1 was 5.8 cm and they said I would lose weight, I weighed 155, now I am 186!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish my husband would have went through the " snip snip" instead of me I about cry when I see my reflection. I have never in my life been this big and getting bigger and never had that over lapping belly and rolls under my bra. If anyone finds out if reversal work please let me know. I hate the daily crying and so embarrased to leave the house or see long time friends.
I am 22, pregnant with my 2nd child and I was going to have my tubes tied after giving birth this december. Hearing rumors that having this done would make you gain weight, I decided to google this and after reading the comments above I don't think I'm going to go through with the surgery. I have always had a weight problem and had to work hard to stay a size 11. I can't bear the thought of staying big or getting BIGGER after my pregnancy so I think I will just with the IUD and not worry about it for 5 years. I didn't like the thought of something inside of me for 5 years, but I'd rather take that risk that to stay fat.
tubal ligation

I got my tubes tired after my 3rd child and I have always been a size 3 to 5 and 110 to 115 pounds. I got my tubes tied January 26th and have gained a LOT of WEIGHT so far. I am now in a size 16 pants and I eat salad no cheese and no dressing for lunch and thats pretty much all I eat all day no soda no coffee only water. I have went to doctors about the weight gain and they tell me it is my calorie intake. Well I eat nothing and still gain. I also just discovered I have fibroids in my uterus so they took them out 1 was 5.8 cm and they said I would lose weight, I weighed 155, now I am 186!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish my husband would have went through the " snip snip" instead of me I about cry when I see my reflection. I have never in my life been this big and getting bigger and never had that over lapping belly and rolls under my bra. If anyone finds out if reversal work please let me know. I hate the daily crying and so embarrased to leave the house or see long time friends.

i want to sympathise with all you women out there, this is the same for me, i am growing fatter by the day, i was 79kg full term preg, my baby now 7 mths and im stuffing my over hang into my stretchiest pants and i feel sick looking at myself in the mirror, the only thing keeping me from doing something to hurt myself is my beautiful children. i am 44, used to care how i looked, now i wont go out and i am ruining my relationship as i wont let my partner near me. i wish i had not had the ligation, there dosnt seem like there is much hope for me too.
I totally agree, the fact of weight gain was never discussed. I realize getting older will naturally cause you to gain weight, but this happened only after my tubal. i am very active at work and home; my eating habits are not that bad - not a big eatter and don't eat fried foods. My mid section in the worst. What to do???
I have a friend who just had hers reversed and within 3 months lost the 70 pounds she gained after her surgery. She gained the weight straight after tubal ligation after her 4th child and had never put weight on after the previous three kids.
No doctor will believe it though! Why is that? The doctors all just say it is calories, over eating etc. yet there are thousands of us out there, it would appear. Is it because the medical system make so much money on the procedures that if they were to conduct studies ( and there has never been a study anywhere into weight gain and tubal ligation) that not as many women would get it done?
I believe is true,ater the tube tight I was on good diet and yoga gym I still fat.
I had my second baby 7mths ago and have not been able to get down, before I got pregnat the first time I was size 9 and after having her I was bigger but my belly was flat and I lost the baby weight fast. This time though I noticed I had much more belly fat after having my son but thought It would also go down ... now 7mths latter I am starting to wear plus sizes and weigh 200 pds!! I didnt even think it would be the tubal until my friend told me she heard it makes you gain weight. This is very discouraging since my best friend also got a tubal and Ive noticed (but never told her) her gaining weight but eating like a bird ... (she had an advantage she has an hour glass figure and the weight she is gaining is in her hips ass and boobs while mine is in my BELLY!!) :(
Weight gain and tubes

My name is Stephanie I too have my tubes tied and gaines alot of weight. I had my first child at 19 and miscarriage at 24 and got pregnant soon after with my 2nd child at bith my husband and I wanted me to get fixed.i have always stayed around the same weight and now I gained alot more than I ever have and it has to be the tubes.:O
I had my tubes tied on Feb 28Th and have been gaining so Much weight, That now Am Always depressed , So the only thing I can think of that it was the surgery.. I was taking Ace before surgery and was losing weight but after I'm gaining..Was not told this ..Very Upset !!!
tied to lies

OMG!!!!!! This is crazy to see how many women are going through the same thing as I. I too was very athletic and was NEVER over weight, after my second son I immediately got a tubal and I have yet to stop gaining weight. I have gone from 145 to almost 250 in the past 12years. These Dr's negate to tell you all of the side effects including fibroids and post tubal ligation syndrome( which some say is a phantom diagnosis), that is just negligence in my eyes. I fight depression everyday because of this weight and I often find myself hiding from my family so they do not see my stream of tears...... THIS IS THE WORST CHOICE I EVER MADE IN MY LIFE!!!!