Dry Those Tears: 360 Motion Sensing Arrives, Crickets Sing



Finally, Xbox 360 owners, our day has come. The most shocking drawback of Microsoft's system - aside from the whole dying within minutes of warranty expiration thing - has finally been addressed. Thanks to Talismoon's Tiltboard, 360 users can know that PlayStation 3 owners have known all along...
Tilt sensing is pretty useless.
Okay, not exactly true. A game built around tilt sensing like flOw or that damn duck game can be downright entertaining, but the 360 doesn't have any of those games...so why? Should you void your warranty, crack open your controller and drip solder onto the circuitry to create something far more complex than you'd ever need?
Everything required to enjoy the latest sensation in console gaming on Xbox 360â„¢ comes in a convenient package and requires only seven wires to solder.​
Only if you're as whacky as the guy who wrote that. Latest sensation indeed. Talismoon caters to niche gamers. The kind of person who builds a giant analog platform so you can control games with your couch. This one's for you, lil' buddy. Try not to set your house on fire. Michael Fahey
Talismoon's Xbox 360 Tiltboard [Product Page at Talismoon]

