Is there a major qaulity difference when watching BlueRay movie on a BlueRay Player


May 16, 2008
or watching it on a Ps3 ? A good BlueRay player costs as much as a Ps3. Does this mean a BlurRay player provides better picture quality then Ps3 when watching a BlueRay movie ? I want to get something to watch BlueRay movies. Should I get Ps3 or BlueRay player. Is there a difference is piture quality ?
PS3 is one of the best mid level Blue ray players on the market - you can update the firmware to be compatible with the latest disks (they keep making advances in the tec) and keep it up to speed with the newer players plus it can go on-line to take advantage of the online content appearing on new and future releases. One major bonus is the fact it comes attached to a powerful games console too - not to shabby for the price.

As for picture quality its comparable with any other Player I've seen on the market - looks easilly as good as my £300 sony blue-ray player and its about 10x faster!
Blu-Ray players

The argument for having a PS3 is a good one, if you're going to have a game station anyway. For me, I went just for the Sony Blu-Ray player - they are less than £100 nowadays.