How long should I wait to have sex after Mirena IUD Insertion??


New member
May 16, 2008
I'm working in China and I just had the Mirena IUD inserted to control heavy premenapausal bleeding. My (Chinese) doctor says I can't have "sexual activity" for a month - but I wonder if doctors say this in Western countries, or of she is just being conservative. I can't get pregnant anyway (my tubes have been tied) - so is it ok to have sex? Has anyone else been told this? What about orgasms without intercourse - would that be ok? Thanks!
I am an OBGYN in california, IUD is the best and you can have intercourse same day.
Intercourse after insertion of mirena

I had my mirena put in 2 days ago, my doctor told me to wait until the bleeding stops to have sex. It has stopped, we had sex today- very carefully to not mess anything up down there, but I am spotting. Is that normal?
It's normal (not unusual, anyway) to bleed for months after having Mirena inserted. We would never consider using Mirena again after this experience.

If I had an iud inserted a week ago is it safe to have sex.

HOW LONG DO I WAIT UNTIL I KAN HAVE SEX N Wear tampons?wat r the threads made out of??they look like wires 2 me?

HOW LONG DO I WAIT UNTIL I KAN HAVE SEX N Wear tampons?wat r the threads made out of??they look like wires 2 me?

can I have sex after the mirena was put back in me?

i had the mirena put it and i dont think i am bleeding anymore can i have sex??
:) will withdrawal have to be used after having had mirena put in place or is it safe otherwise...i just had my iud put in yesterday and have not had my period after the birth of my son yet