Why do dogs bury their treats or food?


Sameerah S

This morning, I gave my dog a pig ear treat...the first time a few days ago, I gave him one, he ate it right there. This time, he went to this little area of trees in my yard and buried it. I've never ever seen him do this before, so when I saw him do that, it amazed me that he did that..and then got me to wondering has he been doing it all the long? But when he saw me looking at him we held a long gaze, I don't know if he thought I wasn't suppose to see him, because it was almost as if he wanted to hide and do it. What should I do to get my dog to stop?
Hi there. Dogs will bury their food for a few reasons. Mostly because they wish for it to procure a bit. That is, get a bit more rotten. He may not feel like eating it right then and there and he may not be feeling well. It is natural for him to want to bury his food - especially meat as it tastes good to him after being under the soft earth for awhile. Kind of like dipping a lolly into chocolate.
they are using there natural behaivur ( or they ate to much) they will bury there food for later so no other dog or any ting will get it not even u this is only true if your dog digs more than one hole to make sure that no one finds it.
just from the pack mentality ..... see what foxes and wolves do they are all in the same family
The only way to stop this is to make him eat it right there in front of you inside. They like to save stuff for later and they hide it from other predators. Arnt they amazingly smart. MAN I JUST LOVE THEM.
why would you want to stop him from doing that. Its a natural for dogs.
why dogs bury food.

hi. i was giving my dog a cheese stick for super and then she went and buied it.

mainly cause she wanted to save it in cause we were late to come and feed her. so, most dogs are not hungry or they want to save it for later.
Why do dogs dig food

Some dogs hide there food because there not hungry or it's because you fed them a little late and they are saving the food for later just next time feed them a little earlier 