Ipod... Sync or no?


You Help Me

I had a big old computer that was a (Window XP). My mom smashed it 2 times already. The first time it survived. But the second time I didn't bother putting it back up because i'm sure the wire wouldn't have worked anyway. Now I bought a laptop (Windows Vista). and i was thinking about syncing the new songs on my itunes of my laptop to my Ipod. but should I? my Ipod has some really rare songs that took me awhile to find them. but it surely can't go back into the old computer, cause the other one is dead.....

now what? keep the songs in the Ipod until something screws it up? or sync it and get the stuff from the laptop and lose all the old songs?
use software that can take out the songs ( copy) from your ipod to your computer like, http://www.download.com/iPod-Copier/3000-2140_4-10517943.html?tag=lst-5&cdlPid=10517944
use the songs on the ipod and burn them onto cd's. then sync to the new computer and use the cd's to sync the old songs too!
transfer your purchases as long as their from itunes

if not, well, u cant stay in the past im sure u suld b able to find them again