Huge mess. What do I do?



I have a sister who is ruining my life. 1st of all, she goes through my AIM Logs and looks and what me and other people talked about, she looks through my text messages and deliberately tries to break my lock code on my phone. When I have my friends over, she always sits in on our conversation and listens in too. She tells my parents things to get me in trouble.

Sunday we were driving back from church and we stopped at a gas station. My dad had this can of "odor eating" sprayfor shoes. I sprayed my shoes and didnt get the spray anywhere. My sister then screamed "stop spraying it you're getting it all over the car" to get my dad's attention. My dad then took the can and hit me on the wrist, busting the top off. My sister told me and even admitted that Ididn't do anything. I was furious about now and told her that she should tell me dad the truth and she simply said "Hmmm.. No." I had a welt on my arm for the rest of the day and felt like dying. Help me please. How do I stop this???
Yeah she's younger and I know younger siblings are annoying but she went too far and made my dad hit me and give me a mark and i sick of it.
why don't u talk to your mom or dad before theres a problem and without being out of control with emotion about what your sister is doing or record her when she tells u she just lies and show ur parents
yeah for this kind of stuff only revenge will suffice, i know its bad but you need to let her know how it feels. is she older than you? if she is then she has nothing better to do, if shes younger shes just a pest
Tell your parents, or do it back to her and see how she feels.
Tell your parents that she looks through your stuff and lies to them, give her the silent treatment, lie to you parents about her, get firefox and after you use it use the clear private data to erase all traces of sites downloads and saves passwords or emails
Ok u can 1 do the same thing to her, or 2 stay out of the house. I know that sounds strange but looking forward to a weekend every week with ur friends can really help u out, and planning it and not letting her come will drive her crazy. Hahahahaha
Ok u can 1 do the same thing to her, or 2 stay out of the house. I know that sounds strange but looking forward to a weekend every week with ur friends can really help u out, and planning it and not letting her come will drive her crazy. Hahahahaha